Thursday, January 29, 2009

Twilight Report

First, let me say that I love this book from the saga thanks to Chloe my friend I found out about this book. So, now I'm going to tell everyone what I learned from this book. Isabella Swan (but, everyone calls her Bella) lived with he mother (Renee) in Phoenix, Arizona, now she lives with her father (Charlie) in a small town called Forks. Bella goes to a new high school called Forks High School. She made some new friends. In her classes, but in one class she had this boy named Edward sits by her she thought she was being nice, until she finds out that he wants a different schedule so he wouldn't be in the same class as her. That Irritated Bella because (she likes him) so anytime they had their class she would move far away from her. One day they had class Edward was talking to Bella for the first time. Bella was happy. So they were on a friend level. They started talking, and talking I thought they was going to go out and guess what they did. Bella really likes him and Edward likes her too. Bella found out that he was a vampire she didn't really care about that. She wasn't afraid that his family are vampires too. Edward took Bella to the baseball park so they can play baseball (the only thing is that when the Cullens play Baseball it's when a storm is about to happen) so they were playing and Bella was watching them play she and Esme (Edward's step mom ) (all the kids that Esme and Carisle has are adopted.) So they were playing baseball and Bella was observing them. Edward is a fast runner and Emmet is a strong player. While the game was happening these three other vampires come and thought that Bella was lunch. The three vampires names were Laurent, James and Victoria (James and her go out) James loved the smell of Bella and now they were trying to kill her. Edward regretted bringing her now. after all of this happened. SO Bella and one of Edwards sisters and brothers had to come with Bella to Phoenix Arizona with her. To stay safe. When James called the hotel where they were staying he told Bella that he had her mother and Bella had to save her so she went against Alice and Jasper's rules to keep her safe. So she can save her mother. But, James was lying to her he didn't have her mother. He was just trying to kill her. When Bella did what he asked she found out he lied. And he tried to kill her. He bit her arm and stepped on her leg which he broke. When Edward found out where she was his whole family came to help her. Carilse tried to save her life. Edward sucked all; the venom out of her and they took her to he hospital and said she fell down two flights of stairs and glass broke on her. After all of this happened Edward realized that his place wasn't safe for Bella so after all their dates and talking and all of that he...........................................

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