Thursday, January 29, 2009

My Side Of The Mountain (Chapter 5)

  • In the Summer, what people would visit the Catskill Mountains?
Hikers, Hunters, Campers and fisherman would visit the Catskill Mountains. 
  • What kind of work did Sam have to do to get his home ready?
He was chopping  a tree down so he can put it around his home. He wanted to make a bark extension.
  • What else did Sam have to do other than get his home ready?
He was hungry so he had to find food to eat.
  • How did Sam carry his clothes?
He would wear all his clothes like doubling his clothes. He thought it was a better way to keep them together.
  • What did Sam eat that tasted like Lima beans?
He fell in a pile of dog tooth violets and he ate them. He thought the tasted like Lima beans.
  • What parts of the dandelion did Sam eat?
He ate the green part of the dandelion and the stem of it.
  • In what kind of tree did Sam find crow's eggs to go with his lunch?
It was a Pine Tree that the crow was in but the crow had flew away.
  • How did Sam boil the eggs?
He heard that people boiled things in a leaf and he was so anxious to find out if that would work, so he tried that on the eggs.
  • What kind of food did Sam find in the spring water?
He found a lot of crayfish he also found insects and bugs.

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