Hey, This is Watchen's blog. This blog is only for reading and nothing else. But, come on I'm a kid so I'm going to make my blog a little intersting.
Miss Turner had cut Sam's hair at the library.
He had said that May apples tasted like very sweet bananas.
He was looking out at the sky to see if he would find his falcon.
He had boiled mussels for breakfast.
1. To conquer the Catskills, what did Sam think he needed to know?
He thought needed to know how to make a fire and he thinks this was going to be able tohelp him conquer Catskills with that power.
2. What was Sam looking for?
When Sam got to the libary he was looking for a sign that said Gribley's folly. Then, when he found his grandfathers land he was trying to find food to eat.
3. Who helped Sam? Why?
Well, Miss Turner helped him with finding books (but I don't think that really worked out well) and Bill helped him with how to make a fire to survive in the wilderness.
4. What did Sam have for dinner?
Sam ate Catfish for dinner that night.
5. What did Sam do after he had eaten?
He made a fire to sleep by so he would be warm.
6. Where did Sam sleep that night?
He made himself shelter by a stone wall in his grandfather's house.
When he left home he took with him a pen knife, a ball of cord, a ax and he had $40.00.
He laughed and told him he tried to runaway when he was little too.
Sam made catfish for dinner.
He did cook his dinner because Bill taught him how to make a fire and he cooked in catfish over the fire.
He ate at his grandfather's house.
This guy he found in the wilderness taught him how his name was Bill.
1.) Where is Sam Gribley living and what kind of home does he have?
He is living in a mountain in a tree.
2.) What time of the year is it, and how is the weather?
It's December there and everyone knows that in December is the month when snow starts to come so, there was a snow storm and it snowed for two days there.
3.) Why is Sam Gribley, the narrator living here?
Because he's trying to get to his great-grandfather's land, and he's the narrator because he' s telling how he is going to find his way to get there. To prove his family wrong.
4.) Who are Sam's two best friends?
Well, in this chapter I'm guessing one of his best friends is The Baron Weasel, he's a weasel who lives behind this big boulder to the north of Sam's tree. His other friend is his falcon he trained it so I suppose he won't hurt him.
5.) How long has Sam been living here?
Well, it I don't think anyone would really know the correct answer to that question, since it doesn't say when he left in May but about 5 months he left from New York to live in his great grandfather's mountain.
6.) The first part of the snowstorm is written when the storm was taking place in December. When was the last part about the snowstorm written?
It was written in Summer or Spring.
7.) Why did Sam get so scared before the storm?
He'd thought that he was never going to get out of his tree, he was going to be stuck until Spring.
8.) Why was this land called Gribley's folly?
Because they have their family's name carved in a bord that says Gribley folly. And because his great-grandfather owned Catskill Mountains and he had a home and everything he wanted, until he realized that he wanted to be a sailor.
1.) Who is the author?
Jean Craighead George
2.) Who taught the author how a person might live in a wilderness?
The author's father taught her how she can survive in the wilderness.
3.) What characteristic was inherited in this family?
Some of the family members wanted to run in the woods and live on their own.
4.) Where was the author born and raised?
The author was born and raised in Washington D.C.
5.) How did the author find out how to train a falcon?
The author's brothers taught her how to train a falcon since they were two of the first falcon trainers in the United States.
6.) Why did the publisher refuse to print this book in the beginning, and why did he change his mind?
The publisher said he would not publish a book that parents are encouraging their kids to run away in the woods. The editor made him change his mind she said it would be better if children away in the woods than in a city.
7.) Is this story true?
This story is true that the author is telling, but My Side Of The Mountain is not a true story.
8.) What is the name of the narrator and the main character in this book?
The name of the narrator is Jean Craighead George and he/she is the main character.