Well, first of all I'm not trying to really criticize the artists work but, this is what I think about this statue that makes it look old. I'm not trying to be rude and make fun of his/her work. So, the first thing I have to say is that who ever made this statue made long ago I can tell. Because no one wears hats like that anymore. It looks like someone stepped on it to get it look like that. The next thing that I noticed is that his shoes are really different from the shoes people wear now a days. There so pointy and not to be mean but it looks like girl shoes to me. Another thing that I noticed is that his clothes look old. His clothes remind me of clothes that probably pioneers would wear. Or like presidents and his hat looks like what pioneers would wear too. His hand on his chin tells me that he has an idea, and too me that seems like an old thing that presidents would do when they have an idea. ånd that's what I think about this statue.
LOL Watchen. Good job!