Thursday, February 26, 2009

Painting with a hammer

This video is call painting with a hammer because he telling a life story on how he's go to do his job. And I think he also inspired other people how to paint with a hammer.  It's kind of exciting  in a weird way he inspires me a little, because regular artists  mostly only use paint brushes. But,  Steve Smithers I guess really wanted to get noticed so that's why he used a hammer to make masterpieces.  Steve was an ordinary guy. He went to college like mostly any adult. But probably he really wasn't into what he was studding in college so  he left and worked in a industry and that's when he finally began to find his new life as an artist. I think it's of cool to do  art work a hammer. But,  I probably wouldn't want to do a art work with a hammer because it seems like a lot of work. ( And like I said I am very lazy sometime.) Than just using a regular paint brush, but don't get me wrong only using a paint brush seems like a lot of work to do an art work. but, if you compare it  painting with a hammer its much easier. So, that's what I think about painting with a hammer. Comment on my blog and tell me what you think about painting with a hammer. 


  1. Good Job on talking about painting with a hammer......... BYEAS!!!

  2. How did you get the moving pitchers.

  3. wow your blog is colorful and you can type a lot
