SIMILAR:Well, these are similar because there suppose to be teapots. There made out of the same material. There all shiny. They were made in the 17th, 18th , 19th and 20th century. There the same because they all have a handle to hold the teapots.
Different: There different because one of the pictures have more than one teapot. They have different colors. There shapes are really different, because in the picture with four teapots one of the teapots are larger than the others. And in the picture that's really shiny and silver that's a large teapot. and the last picture is small. The pictures are really different because there's only one teapot picture that's gold.
That's what I think about these pictures.
You've made some good comparisons, Watchen. Think of how hard those would be to make, especially without modern technology.
ReplyDeleteMrs. Magnuson