This video is call painting with a hammer because he telling a life story on how he's go to do his job. And I think he also inspired other people how to paint with a hammer. It's kind of exciting in a weird way he inspires me a little, because regular artists mostly only use paint brushes. But, Steve Smithers I guess really wanted to get noticed so that's why he used a hammer to make masterpieces. Steve was an ordinary guy. He went to college like mostly any adult. But probably he really wasn't into what he was studding in college so he left and worked in a industry and that's when he finally began to find his new life as an artist. I think it's of cool to do art work a hammer. But, I probably wouldn't want to do a art work with a hammer because it seems like a lot of work. ( And like I said I am very lazy sometime.) Than just using a regular paint brush, but don't get me wrong only using a paint brush seems like a lot of work to do an art work. but, if you compare it painting with a hammer its much easier. So, that's what I think about painting with a hammer. Comment on my blog and tell me what you think about painting with a hammer.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Lebanon Silver Mine
In stop 2, the miners used sledge hammers to work. When their using a double jack sledge hammer there has to be two miners there. And they see by using candles.
In stop 5, they use that room cause it a dry room and they have to care about there health.
In stop 8, the tool shed has a couple of barrels there's a shovel and other stuff. They probably use the shovel to pick dirt. And they probably use the barrels to store things.
In stop 12, the mill is powered by water and they use large belts.
Um.. no I would not want to be a miner because me and dirt don't go together AT ALLL!!!! and I'm some of the time lazy!!!!
Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Monday, February 23, 2009
Silver of the 18th, 19th, and 20th Century

SIMILAR:Well, these are similar because there suppose to be teapots. There made out of the same material. There all shiny. They were made in the 17th, 18th , 19th and 20th century. There the same because they all have a handle to hold the teapots.
Different: There different because one of the pictures have more than one teapot. They have different colors. There shapes are really different, because in the picture with four teapots one of the teapots are larger than the others. And in the picture that's really shiny and silver that's a large teapot. and the last picture is small. The pictures are really different because there's only one teapot picture that's gold.
That's what I think about these pictures.
Friday, February 20, 2009
"Sans Arc Lakota" Ledger Book, 1880-1881

There clothes have patterns on them in both pictures. There's a pattern on there sticks in both pictures. On the bottom picture the first person on the right isn't wearing blue, then when you count three more people the sixth person is wearing blue then the first person on the left starts the pattern again. Well, I guess that's all the patterns that I noticed from both pictures. If you find some more comment me about it. To see if we found out the same things or if we didn't.
Migrant Mother, 1936

I think she's thinking about how she's gonna provide for her children, since she had a lot of them. I think she feels helpless, I think it's hurting her that she doesn't have any food for her children. I wonder if she has any family members that can help her out. I also wonder how her children feels like, if the oldest of them all helps the mother with finding food, or finding a job. Here's some details from the picture that can help my idea about it. You can tell by the mothers face that there's something wrong. And how her kids are hiding there faces make me wonder how scared they must be or how they might feel about this whole thing. One day they have food and another they don't. Wow ,that just tells you how precious life is. And that's what I think about this picture.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Quilts: 19th-20th Century

I can't really can't choose which quilt like the most. Because there all unique in there ways. The big on on the left is telling a story in my eyes. Each spuare tells a part of the big story. The one on the right. If you stare at you can see circles. And other shapes, but to me it looks like broken up circles. In this quilt they used lots of different colors, which I like about. The little ones ont he bottom I like alittle, but they really aren't eye cathing like the other two.
Friday, February 13, 2009
What I think about My Side Of The Mountain
What I think about this book is that it was ok, not all good, but, an ok book to read. Kids who loved things about the wilderness would love this book. But, I'm not a wilderness girl. One thing I loved from this book is that he knew all about finding food which is something very awesome. Like he wouldn't starve to death since he knows about finding the right kind of food you can eat there. Another I like about Sam is that he makes a house out of a tree, and he's only 10 years old. I can NEVER and I mean NEVER do that I'm confident in my self but, I can never do what Sam does int his book. So Sam has a lot of confident, he is also enthusiastic about learning about the wilderness. I have to give Jean Craighead George props to come up with a character like Sam is very cool. She has an amazing imagination. I loved how Sam's telling the story instead of her. I also loved that everyone who Sam knew in the book had a lot of dialog. Then, Sam would talk to him self and say how he feels about the person and things like that.
SO this was how I felt about the book My Side Of The Mountain!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-)
SO this was how I felt about the book My Side Of The Mountain!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-)
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
My Side Of The Mountain (Chapter 22)
1. What happened that made Sam's heart heavy?
His heart was heavy because photographers were coming and taking pictures of him and asking him questions so was reporters.
2. Who did Sam talk to for the next four days?
For the next four days he was talking to reporters.
3. When Sam's father yelled for him, why did Sam hesitate before going down the mountain to greet him?
Because he was wondering if he should meet his dad casue he loves where he lives and don't want to go back to New York, so he wasn't sure if he should go meet him or stay.
4. What made Sam jump in the air and laugh for joy?
He reconized his little brothers pleasure song and he saw his family.
5. What had the newspapers inferred about Sam's mother?
That she I guess didn't take care of her son good. And runaway to the mountains to live.
6. Why had Sam's father brought lumber?
Ithink he brought lumber is. because so he can make Sam a decent house, becuase his mother want him to live in a decent house.
7. At what age did Sam's mother say that he could go wherever he pleased?
When he turns 18 he can go wherevery he pleased.
His heart was heavy because photographers were coming and taking pictures of him and asking him questions so was reporters.
2. Who did Sam talk to for the next four days?
For the next four days he was talking to reporters.
3. When Sam's father yelled for him, why did Sam hesitate before going down the mountain to greet him?
Because he was wondering if he should meet his dad casue he loves where he lives and don't want to go back to New York, so he wasn't sure if he should go meet him or stay.
4. What made Sam jump in the air and laugh for joy?
He reconized his little brothers pleasure song and he saw his family.
5. What had the newspapers inferred about Sam's mother?
That she I guess didn't take care of her son good. And runaway to the mountains to live.
6. Why had Sam's father brought lumber?
Ithink he brought lumber is. because so he can make Sam a decent house, becuase his mother want him to live in a decent house.
7. At what age did Sam's mother say that he could go wherever he pleased?
When he turns 18 he can go wherevery he pleased.
My Side Of The Mountain (Chapter 21)
~ Why did Jessie Coon James not come around any more?
Because she had to find food for her babies.
~ What was the songwriter's name?
Sam was a songwriter and there was a different song writer named Aaron.
~ What did Sam do that would not have done a year ago?
He wouldn't talk to people, that he didn't know in the woods. So they wouldn't take him back to New York.
~ What did Matt do when he saw Sam's home?
He liked where Sam had lived, because he was shouting about everything Sam showed him he used in his house.
~ When Matt and Sam returned from a fishing trip, who was sleeping in Sam's bed?
It was Bando who was sleeping in his bed.
~ What did Matt say that should have made Sam uncomfortable?
He had said that there might be some photographers in the mountains.
~ After Matt and Bando left, who else came to see him? What was his real name?
As Sam calls him Mr. Jacket came to see him, but Sam found out his real name it was Tom Sidler.
~ What visitor never asked Sam what he was doing on the mountain?
Aaron was the only one who never asked what Sam was doing in the mountains.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
My Side Of The Mountain (Chapter 20)
~What happened at the end of February?
Sap began to come back in Maple Trees.
~ Where did Sam go to scout for edible plants?
He would walk into the valleys almost everyday for plants.
~ Who was watching Sam when he whistled for Frightful? Where did he work?
This man named Matt Spell, he works for a newspaper place called Poughkeepsie.
~ Did this fellow believe Sam's tale about the wild boy? How do you know that?
He did because he didn't say nothing else.
What deal did the fellow make with Sam?
He said let me stay the spring vacation with Sam and if he likes it there I'm guessing then he won't print what he said, he'll only write down it down.
~ When was the fellow supposes to return to take his spring vacation with Sam? What is her supposed to bring with him?
He had said he was going to meet Sam on April 12 at 3:30 and he said he would bring a copy of what he will write.
~What was discussed in Sam's silent forum?
They usually talked about storms, how to make a spring suit and how to enlarge his tree.
Thursday, February 5, 2009
My Side Of The Mountain (Chapter 19)
~ What did Sam say was an unforgettable experience?
To be relaxed and in the wilderness.
~ Why did Sam make himself some snowshoes?
He made snow shoes for easier traveling.
~ What taught Sam to stay home when the air said snow?
Because one time he went out of his tree when there was a snow storm and he got lost.
~ What did Sam call the nuthatch? Why?
So he can see the nuthatch. He called the nuthatch so he can see him roasting.
~ What animal was slipping in Sam's tree at night through a tunnel?
He thinks its a mouse that keeps coming in his house.
~ The presence of what animal makes the Gribley farm a beautiful place?
The horned owl. Sam says that, that animal is a very wilderness bird and so, for the owl to chose the Gribley farm. It means that it is a beautiful place to live.
~ At one time, Sam had to open his door off and on through the night. Why?
Because if he didn't do it he was going to be iced in for the whole day.
~ What caused the trees to keep exploding all over the mountains?
The ice that was on it and the snow.
~ What cured Sam of his tiredness, nosebleeds, and aching bones? What was Sam lacking?
He just needed to eat more of his vitamins, so when he carved the liver he ate everything that he could eat out if it. And when he was done eating it, all those symptoms went away. He lacked citrus fruits and green vegetables.
~ Why did Sam sit in the sun when it was out?
He noticed that birds were sitting outside in the sun when it came out, so he tried that he and Frightful.
~ At one time, Sam was giving a heard of deer a free lunch. What did he serve?
He hoped off limbs for them to eat.
~ Why did the deer suddenly quit coming?
The deers forgot about coming they were at the bottom of the mountain.
~ What did Sam find in the hollow maple that convinced him that spring was approaching?
He found eggs, that convinced him that spring was on it's way.
~ What was Sam think about when he went to sleep that night?
he was thinking about the owl and the eggs.
My Side Of The Mountain (Chapter 18)
-- What kept Sam warm when he walked in the snow?
His deer suit kept hin very warm.
-- Who were (a): Mr. Bracket, (b): Mrs. O'Brien (c): Mrs. Callaway and (d): Mrs. Fedrio?
Mr. Bracket was this man that lived in Sam's apartment in New York. Mrs. O'Brien, Mrs. Callaway and Mrs. Fedrio were friends it seems like. They went to market together and lectured children that was in the streets.
-- Why did Sam call these names?
Because the chickadees reminded him of these people.
-- What day did Bando arrive for Christmas? What was Sam planningn to give him for Christmas?
He arrived on Christmas Eve he made him a hat.
-- What did Bando tell Sam about?
He showed him a newspaper that said a boy living off deer clothing in the Catskill Mountains.
-- What music did Sam play Bando on their willow whistles?
They played Holy Night and they tried to play The 12 Days Of Christmas but the whistles were to stiff.
-- Who was tired to play more?
Bando was too tired to play more. So Sam and him stopped playing.
-- Who else visted Sam? How did he know where to find him?
Sam's dad visted him , he went to Mrs. Fielder and asked her about Sam.
-- What did they have to drink with their Christmas dinner? What was cooked to perfection?
They had fish, and ate accorn pancakes and drinked, Sassafras drink.
-- What did Sam catch and cook for breakfast?
He caught a pheasent in the stream, and caught six trouts when he went ice fishing.
-- Which guest stayed the longest?
Sam's dad did.
-- Why did Mr. Gribley leave by a different route?
He left a different route because he doesn't want someone to back track him and find Sam.
His deer suit kept hin very warm.
-- Who were (a): Mr. Bracket, (b): Mrs. O'Brien (c): Mrs. Callaway and (d): Mrs. Fedrio?
Mr. Bracket was this man that lived in Sam's apartment in New York. Mrs. O'Brien, Mrs. Callaway and Mrs. Fedrio were friends it seems like. They went to market together and lectured children that was in the streets.
-- Why did Sam call these names?
Because the chickadees reminded him of these people.
-- What day did Bando arrive for Christmas? What was Sam planningn to give him for Christmas?
He arrived on Christmas Eve he made him a hat.
-- What did Bando tell Sam about?
He showed him a newspaper that said a boy living off deer clothing in the Catskill Mountains.
-- What music did Sam play Bando on their willow whistles?
They played Holy Night and they tried to play The 12 Days Of Christmas but the whistles were to stiff.
-- Who was tired to play more?
Bando was too tired to play more. So Sam and him stopped playing.
-- Who else visted Sam? How did he know where to find him?
Sam's dad visted him , he went to Mrs. Fielder and asked her about Sam.
-- What did they have to drink with their Christmas dinner? What was cooked to perfection?
They had fish, and ate accorn pancakes and drinked, Sassafras drink.
-- What did Sam catch and cook for breakfast?
He caught a pheasent in the stream, and caught six trouts when he went ice fishing.
-- Which guest stayed the longest?
Sam's dad did.
-- Why did Mr. Gribley leave by a different route?
He left a different route because he doesn't want someone to back track him and find Sam.
My Side Of The Mountain (Chapter 17)
* Why did Sam keep cutting wood and stacking it in piles?
He wanted to be able to reach his wood from the tree when the snow had gooten way to deep.
* What does the author mean when she said, ' Now I am back where I began. I won't tell it again?'
When he had that first snow storm he was scared now his is prepared for a snowstorm.
* What was Sam's standby for breakfast on those cold mornings?
It was Bando's jam he would eat
* What two plants did Sam find under the snow?
He found a teaberry plant and a wintergreen plant.
* What did Sam write during the snow storm since he did not have paper?
He would get some birch bark to write on.
He wanted to be able to reach his wood from the tree when the snow had gooten way to deep.
* What does the author mean when she said, ' Now I am back where I began. I won't tell it again?'
When he had that first snow storm he was scared now his is prepared for a snowstorm.
* What was Sam's standby for breakfast on those cold mornings?
It was Bando's jam he would eat
* What two plants did Sam find under the snow?
He found a teaberry plant and a wintergreen plant.
* What did Sam write during the snow storm since he did not have paper?
He would get some birch bark to write on.
My Side Of The Mountain (Chapter 16)
-- What had changed Frightful during the Autumn?
Her plumage had changed about her, Sam says that she is breathtaking.
-- What did Sam use to cut his hair?
He used his penknife that he brought with him to the woods.
-- Where was Sam when someone called him Daniel Boone?
He went into town to the drug store so he can read/ buy a magazine.
-- How did the boy know Sam was from New York?
He figured it out because of Sam's accent. Sounded like a New Yorker.
-- What did Sam tell the boy he was doing in Gribley Farm?
He said he was doing research.
-- What did Sam call the boy he met in town? Why?
He called the boy Mr. Jacket. Because he didn't ask for his name.
-- What did Sam forget to do to get ready for Winter?
He had forgotten to stack up a woodpile.
Her plumage had changed about her, Sam says that she is breathtaking.
-- What did Sam use to cut his hair?
He used his penknife that he brought with him to the woods.
-- Where was Sam when someone called him Daniel Boone?
He went into town to the drug store so he can read/ buy a magazine.
-- How did the boy know Sam was from New York?
He figured it out because of Sam's accent. Sounded like a New Yorker.
-- What did Sam tell the boy he was doing in Gribley Farm?
He said he was doing research.
-- What did Sam call the boy he met in town? Why?
He called the boy Mr. Jacket. Because he didn't ask for his name.
-- What did Sam forget to do to get ready for Winter?
He had forgotten to stack up a woodpile.
My Side Of The Mountain (Chapter 15)
- What season began in early Novemeber?
Hunting season had begun there.
2. Why did Sam decide to go the libary?
He wanted to see Miss Turner.
3. Why did Sam decide he should not go to the libary?
Because a gun shot was shooten right by his elbow he was scared for his safety.
4. Why did the man give up on his deer hunt?
Because he kept on shooting and shooting but, he couldn't shoot the deer. The deer was hiding.
5. Sam did not have to smoke the last two deers. Why?
Because the tempeture there was too cold.
6. Why did Sam have trouble tanning their hides?
Because the water he had put on his oak stump had kept on freezing.
My Side Of The Mountain (Chapter 14)
* Who is Sam in competition with when gathering walnuts and hickory nuts?
Sam found squirrels that collect walnuts and hickory nuts. So, he tried to get all before they could.
*How did Sam prepare apples to save them for Winter?
He would collect them and cut them into slices then, he would put them on a stump and let the slices of apples dry.
* What food did Sam serve at the Halloween Party?
He made cracked nuts, smoked rabbits and cray fish for the party.
* What did Sam discover in an ox at the stream?
He had discovered wild rice there.
* What happened to Sam's house that evening?
It was a mess his guests that came to the party had made a big mess of his house.
* What four things did Sam do to get rid of his guests?
He shouted and scared some of them they left. Then, he chased some raccoons out the house.
* What was the last animal to leave?
Skunks, a Fox and Raccoons were the close to last animals to leave but, the last was the fox.
Sam found squirrels that collect walnuts and hickory nuts. So, he tried to get all before they could.
*How did Sam prepare apples to save them for Winter?
He would collect them and cut them into slices then, he would put them on a stump and let the slices of apples dry.
* What food did Sam serve at the Halloween Party?
He made cracked nuts, smoked rabbits and cray fish for the party.
* What did Sam discover in an ox at the stream?
He had discovered wild rice there.
* What happened to Sam's house that evening?
It was a mess his guests that came to the party had made a big mess of his house.
* What four things did Sam do to get rid of his guests?
He shouted and scared some of them they left. Then, he chased some raccoons out the house.
* What was the last animal to leave?
Skunks, a Fox and Raccoons were the close to last animals to leave but, the last was the fox.
Monday, February 2, 2009
My Side Of The Mountain (Chapter 13)
~ What did Sam do during September?
He had to get his house ready for Winter.
He had to get his house ready for Winter.
~ Why did the Baron Weasel look moody?
Cause his fur was growing and changing this made him itchy.
~ What were all the animals preparing for?
They were all preparing for Winter.
~ Why did Sam drag clay up the mountain?
He wanted to make a fire place out of clay.
~ What was wrong with Frightful when she got sick?
She had flew away and she would put her head under he wings. And she just acted unnormal than she usaully act.
~ What did Sam do to correct the problem with his heating system?
He had found a big flat stone. And he needed that stone so he can fix his fire place. He broke it into half and put them on both sides of the funnel.
My Side Of The Mountain (Chapter 12)
~ What did Sam use for soap when he took his bath?
He used bark and it's slippery elm.
~ Who would dig mussels for Sam?
Jessie Coon James is his young weasel he found he would find mussels more than three men would.
~ Who became the expert hunter and what did he catch?
Frightful was the expert hunter and he had caught rabbits for rabbit stew and other things.
~ What two drinks did Sam make?
Sam found these drinks in tree, he made Sassafras tea and Pennyroyal drinks.
~ Where was the man when Sam found him?
He found him laying by his home sleeping.
~ What did Sam make Bando for dinner?
Bando had to chose between Venison or Rabbit. He made him Venison to eat since he chose it.
~ What did Bando call Sam?
He wanted to call Sam Thoreau.
~ How long did Bando stay with Sam?
According to Sam a week or ten days.
~ What did Bando make out of clay?
He made some jars and lids for Sam to keep.
~ When did Bando say he would come back?
He said he would come back at Christmas to visit.
~ What instruments did Bando and Sam use to make music?
They used willow whistles to make music.
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